Ask JAMA to Stop Perpetuating Racism in Medicine
March 24, 2021
Update as of 12:00 PM March 12, 2021: Edward H. Livingston, MD, has resigned as deputy editor of the journal of the American Medical Association after he and the journal faced significant backlash over a February podcast that questioned the existence of structural racism. Our Journey Towards Reproductive Justice: The Story of the SOLARS Study
March 24, 2021
See the full recording
The Spanish recording
PTBi Fellow Awarded UCSF Faculty Position
March 24, 2021
We are thrilled to announce that our current Transdisciplinary Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Martha Tesfalul, MD, has gained a faculty position in the UCSF Maternal Fetal Medicine Division! PTBi's New Fresno Community Engagement Associate, Kendalyn Mack-Franklin
March 24, 2021
The UCSF Preterm Birth Initiative is thrilled to announce that we have appointed our new Fresno Community Engagement Associate, Kendalyn Mack-Franklin. Police Violence Impacts the Health of Black Infants
March 10, 2021
Findings from Occurrence of fatal police violence during pregnancy and hazard of preterm birth in California are described by lead author Dana Goin. Additional authors include Anu Manchikanti Gomez, Kriszta Farkas, Catherine Duarte, Deborah Karasek, Brittany D. Chambers, Andrea V. Jackson, Jennifer... Choosing to Challenge
March 05, 2021
Pictured: Solaire, her mother and brother. Source: Solaire Spellen*
I was born and raised in the South Bronx. Solidarity Against White Supremacy
February 26, 2021
Dear community,
As a Black-centered multicultural organization dedicated to fighting racism to improve BIPOC birth outcomes, we stand in solidarity with all BIPOC who suffer violence, discrimination, and prejudice as a result of white supremacy. Refer Your Patients to the Black Infant Health Program
February 24, 2021
The San Francisco Department of Public Health's Black Infant Health Program is sharing their updated referral form for providers and community-based organizations. Women's Heart Health Awareness Month and Its Impact on PTBi Team Members
February 04, 2021
Daphina Melbourne, PTBi's Community Engagement Specialist, shares her experience losing a friend to peripartum cardiomyopathy (PPCM) in honor of Women's Heart Health Awareness Month.