Pacific Islander & Pregnant: How Inclusion Led To Erasure
May 20, 2021
Watch the full event in English
Watch the full event in Samoan Black women and birthing people need to be listened to during their prenatal care: this tool can help
May 05, 2021
Findings from the Development of the Person-Centered Prenatal Care scale for People of Color are described by lead author Patience A. Afulani. Additional authors include Molly R. Watch Birthing People Behind Bars: Exposing Forced Sterilizations in State Prisons
May 04, 2021
Watch the panel discussion
*Please note the documentary is no longer available through our platform. Watch the trailer here The Momnibus Bill and Black Maternal Health Week
May 03, 2021
Momnibus Bill in California is Moving Forward
SisterWeb Launches Fundraising Campaign
May 03, 2021
Pictured: SisterWeb founder, Marna Armstead
In April 2021, the PTBi supported SisterWeb Doula Collective launched their Support the Circle of Strength fundraising campaign with the goal of raising on million dollars to serve White House Finally Proclaims Black Maternal Health Week
May 03, 2021
On April 13th, 2021, President Biden signed a first-ever proclamation marking Black Maternal Health Week (April 11-17). It calls for all Americans to recognize the maternal health crisis and the importance of reducing our unacceptably high rates of Black maternal mortality and morbidity. Our thoughts on recent events - Chauvin Verdict, Ma'Khia Bryant, Daunte Wright
April 23, 2021
Trigger warning: This article contains descriptions of fatal violence. Pictured: Paula Bryant, Ma'Khia Bryant's mother, speaks to media alongside other members of the Bryant family and their attorney, Michelle Martin, during a news conference in front of City Hall in Columbus, Ohio, April 28, 2021... "Your Black Employees are Exhausted"
April 23, 2021
Loren Newman, PTBi's in-house designer, reminded our staff of how the recent murders of Black people feels like for Black moms and birthing people. She shared her truths with the full team in a “Thankful Thursday” email on Thursday, April 15. Partnering With Bloomlife to Create Innovative Technologies to Serve Communities of Color
April 14, 2021
Bloomlife is a maternal health company developing remote prenatal care solutions to improve access to care, empower women, and provide clinicians with better information to improve birth outcomes. Their current focus is commercializing a device that allows for remote monitoring of the baby to... How are community-level evictions impacting birth outcomes?
April 12, 2021
The dramatic increase in evictions and threat of evictions during the COVID pandemic warrants further study of their community-level impact on important health outcomes. Previous work by Khadka et al. found increased levels of eviction case filings during pregnancy to be associated with increased...