
Black History Month Campaign Shines a Light on Bay Area Revolutionaries

January 29, 2021
Black people have long fought for the freedom and liberation to live, birth, parent and love with self-determination and wellness.

FREE 2021 Voices for Birth Justice Calendar

January 22, 2021
In many ways, 2021 represents the opportunity to turn a new chapter on a very challenging year.  To honor the resilience of so many communities who have come together to provide resources, support, and hope to each other, our public awareness campaign, Voices for Birth Justice, would like to take a...

States with Left-Leaning Policies Have Better Birth Outcomes

January 08, 2021
Findings from Association of US state policy orientation with adverse birth outcomes: a longitudinal analysis are described by lead author Alicia R Riley. Additional authors include Jacob M Grumbach and PTBi researchers, Daniel Collin, Jacqueline M Torres, and Rita Hamad.

Support the Small Businesses of our Community Partners This Holiday Season

December 16, 2020
This holiday season we encourage you to support the small businesses of our community-based partners. They are an integral part of our initiative and continually guide our work in so many ways. Please help us give back and show thanks for everything they do for PTBi and their own communities. 

PTBi Study Explores if Group Prenatal Care Impact Fresno's Infant Mortality Epidemic in Webinar

December 15, 2020
Photo Source: Webinar Slides Watch the full Webinar

COVID-19, Pregnancy and Premature Birth

December 15, 2020
For our November Collaboratory Webinar, we discussed what we know, what we don’t, and what we still need to answer about COVID-19 and pregnancy, especially as it relates to preterm birth.

Meet our New Community Advisory Board Cohort!

December 11, 2020
We are thrilled to introduce the second Community Advisory Board cohort (CAB)! PTBi's Community Advisory Board plays a critical role in keeping the initiative and our research accountable to the communities that we serve. The CAB also supports the authentic partnership with Black and Brown...

HOPE COVID-19 Study Now in Spanish and Offering Compensation

December 10, 2020
Dear Community, As we move back into lockdown in the San Francisco Bay Area, many of us feel both troubled and hopeful. We have vaccines on the way, but the COVID-19 infection rate is at extremely high levels. There is some light at the end of the tunnel, but the burden of the pandemic is being...

Voices for Birth Justice Website Has Launched!

December 10, 2020
The Voices for Birth Justice community now as a website! In honor of World Prematurity Day (November 17th), we launched our online platform to share the powerful stories of birth justice advocates who have positive impacts in Black and Brown communities and to connect pregnant people to resources...
