Black people have long fought for the freedom and liberation to live, birth, parent and love with self-determination and wellness. In honor of Black History Month, PTBi's public awareness campaign, Voices for Birth Justice, joined forces with Expecting Justice, and San Francisco Black Infant Health to launch a social media effort celebrating Black women throughout time who have birthed revolutions. We all stand on the shoulders of these ancestors and women whose profound courage and resilience have provided a blueprint for present and future generations to not only survive but to thrive. The wellbeing of the entire community has stood and continues to stand upon their efforts.
Our campaign also featured Black Bay Area artists who are paying tribute to the brilliance of Black community and their legacy of visioning, initiating and organizing for systemic change.
Each post lifts up Black-led organizations working for equity within their communities. These organizations are doing the work all year round and need your donations. To keep birthing the revolution, we must continue to support the families, organizations, and institutions that shelter and sustain its people.
The struggle continues and victory is certain if we put in the work! Please like, share, follow and donate.