
Paid Community Scientist Career Development Program Launches in Oakland

July 30, 2020
Pictured above - The inaugural Benioff Community Innovators (L-R) Elonda McCall, Sabra Bell, Haydee Orellana, Brianne Taylor, Karent Novelo, Randi Tanksley, and Cecilia Shephard

Doula Hotline is Launching for Black Birthing People

July 30, 2020
The following article is an excerpt from the Frontline Doula press release.

Former NICU Families Describe Gaps in Family-Centered Care

July 30, 2020
Findings from Former NICU Families Describe Gaps in Family-Centered Care are described by the author and PTBi director of postnatal interventions, Linda Franck. Additional authors include Krista Sigurdson, Jochen Profit, and Ravi Dhurjati, Christine Morton, Melissa Scala, Lelis Vernon, Ashley...

First-of-Its-Kind Study Launches to Assess Impact of COVID-19 and Pandemic on Both COVID Positive and Negative Birthing Persons

July 21, 2020
The research will Include Focus on the Birth Outcomes of Black, Latinx and Low-Income Populations Hardest Hit by COVID-19.

During COVID, Support Persons Necessary in NICUs and Birthing Rooms, Says CADPH

July 20, 2020
The following statement is from the California Department of Public Health, which can be seen here. Even though the California Department of Public Health recommends both parents be encouraged to accompany PICU and NICU patients, many California hospitals have not moved to do so yet. All...

Fruit and Vegetable Vouchers Lowers Risk of Preterm Birth, Study Finds

July 07, 2020
Findings from Fruit and Vegetable Vouchers in Pregnancy: Preliminary Impact on Diet & Food Security are described by the author and PTBi policy researcher, Hilary Seligman. Additional authors include Ronit Ridberg, Sanjana Marpadga, Melissa Akers, and Janice Bell. Photo credit: EATSF


June 30, 2020
From left to right - Talita Osegura, Kiya Clary, Alexis Cobbins, Daphina Melbourne, Dr. Monica McLemore, Melissa Harris-Perry, Shanell Williams, Dr. Lamisha Hill and Norlissa Cooper. Photo credit: Alexis Cobbins Dear PTBi Community,

Support Black Mothers

June 29, 2020
We are proud to support the organizing efforts of One Love! Please help support Black mothers in San Francisco.

Youth Logo Design Challenge - Fresno GROWS Best Babies Zone

June 29, 2020
Photo source: Fresno GROWS Best Babies Zone

Research Justice for Black and Latinx Fathers: Prioritizing their Unanswered Questions about Pregnancy and Birth

June 28, 2020
Watch the full Collaboratory here Fathers know that their presence and perspective is invaluable in the pregnancy, birth and after birth period. Yet too often, their voices are disregarded from maternal and child health research. 
