
Supporting COVID-Positive Pregnant and Parenting People: Community Perspectives, Challenges, and Solutions

January 29, 2022
The existing health care system actively harms Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) birthing people. Racial discrimination and bias contributed to both disrespectful care and adverse birth outcomes. Due to the pandemic, efforts to flatten the curve limited the support systems created to...

PTBi Community Gives Back By Providing NICU Care Packages

January 20, 2022
In honor of World Prematurity Day, PTBi Comunity Advisory Board (CAB) members gathered supplies and materials to drop off thoughtful care packages to NICU parents at Children’s’ Oakland, UCSF Mission Bay, and Zuckerberg General Hospital.

Holiday Greetings from PTBi

December 20, 2021
We hope the holiday season is bringing you joy, comfort, and healing. For us, the end of the year is about family — those near and far, chosen, and no longer with us — as we celebrate the transition from one year to the next. For the PTBi team, family is at the heart of our research, advocacy, and...

Get to Know Selina Lao Mason, Program Manager!

December 20, 2021
Selina Lao Mason is the daughter of Chinese immigrants and a first-generation San Franciscan. She did her undergraduate degree at University of California, Berkeley where she double-majored in molecular cell biology and rhetoric.  

Let’s Talk About Preterm Birth: Honoring Our Stories, Our Families, and Our Support Systems

December 16, 2021
World Prematurity Day is observed every November 17th to honor the families who have given birth to preemies, the preemies who are thriving around the world today.

Financial Security Impact on Preterm Birth: A Report From the Benioff Community Innovators

November 29, 2021
What are the perinatal experiences like for BIPOC folks living the Oakland, CA? The Benioff Community Innovators recently completed a quantitative and qualitative study that found that these experiences were painted by racism. This month, the innovators celebrated year one of their research project...

Momnibus Update: What’s the Hold Up with Medi-Cal Reimbursement of Doula Services?

November 29, 2021
An effort years in the making, Medi-Cal reimbursement of doulas was finally passed in October, with an original launch date of January 1, 2022. But that date has been pushed back 7 months. So what's holding up implementation?

Centering Queer and Trans Birth: Recap of Our October Collaboratory

November 29, 2021
For PTBi’s October Collaboratory, keynote speaker Kayden Coleman led a cultural competency training for providers who care for queer and trans birthing people.
