On August 25th PTBi-CA hosted a picnic for our mFICare Parent Mentors! These former San Francisco Benioff Children's Hospital (BCH-SF) NICU families are trained to provide peer to peer support to parents who currently have premature babies in the NICU and are taking part in the mFICare Study. The mFICare study is a multi-site trial to examine the effectiveness of implementing Family Integrated Care in six NICUs throughout California. So far, 30 parents have participated in the mFICare intervention at BCH-SF and ongoing recruitment also at Benioff Children's Hospital Oakland and Community Regional Medical Center in Fresno, University California Las Angeles, University California San Diego, and Kaiser Permanente Hospital in Santa Clara. We celebrate the dedication of these parents as they support other families in their NICU journey!
Learn More About the mFICare Study
Improving Parent's Involvement in the NICU: mFICare has Launched!