Patient- and family-centered care (PFCC) is foundational to clinical practice and communication in health care organizations. However, in the wake of coronavirus, administrative and clinical leaders are having to make very difficult decisions and policy changes without a clear understanding of how these changes will impact patient care in order to prevent the virus’ transmission.
Nearly every clinical setting is affected by these changes, but nowhere are these changes as visible as in labor and delivery or neonatal intensive care units. Some hospitals are denying pregnant people their essential support persons, such as partners and doulas. Birthing people are reporting heartbreaking accounts of being separated from their newborns, interrupting the critical time need to establish parent-infant bonding and breastfeeding practices.
“We need to document the adverse effects of COVID-19 restrictions on patient- and family-centered care so that hospitals and healthcare teams can make evidence-informed decisions. They need as much data as possible. Family and community partners are invaluable in finding creative solutions to reduce harm while maintaining safety” says Dr. Linda Franck, UCSF PTBi Director of Postnatal Research, “We want to discover and share the promising practices from those units and hospitals who have found new ways to keep families connected and involved in their loved one’s care.”
PTBi has teamed up with UCSF’s Department of Family Health Care Nursing, the Institute for Patient- and Family-Centered Care, and the University of Washington School of Nursing to create this survey. The purpose of the survey is to gather information about changes to policies and practice during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic and how hospitals engaged patient and family advisors in planning and implementing changes. Data (de-identified) from the survey are being rapidly reported on PTBi and IPFCC websites so that the results can be used to improve patient care as we all continue our work to lessen the impact of COVID-19 on patients and families. Last update 6/24/20.
Please complete the survey by clicking on the link below. This survey closes 7//31/2020. Future surveys to monitor ongoing patient-and-family centered care trends and best practices will be forthcoming. Please check back often.
Let’s all share and learn what’s happening in hospitals and work together with patients and families to promote partnership and best practices!
Please click the link to take the survey if you are a:
- Hospital Administrator
- Patient Care Unit Leader
- PFCC Coordinator/Director
- Patient/Family Advisory Council Member or other advisor role