Momnibus Bill in California is Moving Forward
We are excited to announce that major parts of the SB 65, California’s Momnibus Bill to address maternal and infant mortality disparities, has been added into Governor Gavin Newsom's budget proposal. The parts include Medi-Cal coverage for doulas starting January 1, 2022, extending Medi-Cal postpartum coverage to 12 months, and a guaranteed minimum income pilot for families with low-incomes. Learn more here.
In other related news, Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney, the Chairwoman of the Committee on Oversight and Reform, and Committee Member Rep. Robin Kelly held a hybrid hearing to examine the maternal mortality and morbidity crisis experienced by Black birthing people in America where PTBi Strategic Advisory Board Member, Dr. Joia Cear-Perry presented. View the hearing here.
Pictured: Dr. Joia Crear Perry (left), Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney (center), the Chairwoman of the Committee on Oversight and Reform, with 4Kira4Mom's activist Charles Johnson (right)
Learn More
- Read the joint statement made by the co-sponsors
- Read the Fresno Bee article about the bill
- Black Maternal Health Momnibus Act 2020 is Introduced
- WEBINAR - How the Momnibus Act Seeks to Improve Black Maternal Health outcomes: A Fireside Chat with Member of Congress
- See our joint statement with ANSIRH in support of SB65 (link to be updated)
White House Finally Proclaims Black Maternal Health Week
On April 13th, 2021, President Biden signed a first-ever proclamation marking Black Maternal Health Week (April 11-17). It calls for all Americans to recognize the maternal health crisis and the importance of reducing our unacceptably high rates of Black maternal mortality and morbidity. PTBi was proud to sponsor Black Mama Matter Alliance's Black Maternal Health Conference honoring BMHW.
In the official proclamation released by the White House, President Biden called, "upon all Americans to raise awareness of the state of Black maternal health in the United States by understanding the consequences of systemic discrimination, recognizing the scope of this problem and the need for urgent solutions, amplifying the voices and experiences of Black women, families, and communities, and committing to building a world in which Black women do not have to fear for their safety, their wellbeing, their dignity, and their lives before, during, and after pregnancy."
The White House also announced initial actions they have taken to address the maternal health crisis in the United States and address race-based disparities in maternal care. This included how they will increase funding to an array of programs including implicit bias training for providers and Title X family planning programs as well as increasing funding for rural community obstetrics care. Read the full fact sheet here.
We were proud to have PTBi team members Dr. Brittany Chambers and Jazmine Fontenot present at the Black Mamas Matter Alliance's Black Maternal Health Conference in a session called, "That's why I never wanted a son because I didn't want to have to always be worried about this safety" Black women and birthing people's experiences of racism during COVID-19 Pandemic". Picture source.