On Wednesday, May 24, Chief Medical Officer for Northern Ireland Dr. Michael McBride launched a new website to support parents bringing a premature baby home from a neonatal intensive care unit.
This resource was developed for parents by parents and health and social care providers working together and is written with both mothers and fathers in mind. Researchers spoke with groups of parents about their needs and experiences after they went home from the hospital with their premature baby. They also looked at what resources were currently available as a guide for parents. The website is organized around topics raised by parents during focus groups, and the content includes practical and interactive videos from parents and professionals.
The website was developed through a research grant from TinyLife to a team of researchers linked to the Centre for Evidence and Social Innovation and the School of Nursing and Midwifery at Queens University Belfast and the University of California, San Francisco (Professor Linda Franck and Dr. Elizabeth Rogers). Although developed in Northern Ireland, the website will be a useful resource for English-speaking families bring a preterm baby home from neonatal intensive care units around the world.
Other reports about the website's release: