We are thrilled to present the new cohort of our Community Advisory Board! Joining many of our returning members from Fresno, Oakland, and San Francisco are eight community leaders who are dedicated to advocating for Black and Brown parents who face reproductive injustices every day.
On December 6th, our new Community Advisory Board cohort came together for a two-day orientation. Located at the East Bay Community Center, the orientation provided the space for the CAB to meet its new members, familiarize new members with the Initiative's mechanisms and reground the group in why their work is so crucial. Highlights from the sessions include presentations from returning members on their experiences, mapping out future projects, and a powerful talk by Amber McZeal on the historical impact of reproductive injustices on women of color and how that has been replicated. View more photos from the event here.
New Community Advisory Board Members
Nayeli Bernal
Nayeli is a community-based researcher and social sector strategist that works to advance health and educational equity, which she does as an independent contractor with local research and community groups. Nayeli is passionate about Reproductive Justice because she believes in the beauty and the wonder that is human life. She also believes that women already here are beautiful and that they deserve to live and determine the direction of their lives. They deserve to be recognized as full people who are fully capable of making difficult decisions without being judged or blocked by someone else who believes they would have made a different decision.
Starr Britt
As a catalyst for transformative change, Starr Britt has a history of engaging stakeholders from the grassroots level to the upper tiers of government. Britt currently serves as an active doula, specializing in postpartum and full spectrum doula care and working with the Sanja Rita Jail Doula Program, with Roots of Labor Birth Collective. Britt is also a member leader at Essie Justice Group, working on the Because She's Powerful Campaign, Facilitating Essie's Healing to Advocacy program for women with incarcerated loved ones, and the National Mama's Day Bail Out. Britt enjoys mothering her two children, Maya & Tay, as well as live music, discovering new exciting recipes and traveling.
Tanefer Camara
Zoe Carrasco
Zoe started her health care career serving immigrants/refugees with free health care at Street Level Health Project. She continued her health care dedication to underserved communities at La Clinica de La Raza, San Antonio Neighborhood Health Center, where she gained knowledge in perinatal and reproductive health. Shortly after beginning at San Antonio, she began her doula practice at UCSF doula volunteer program. Throughout all of these experiences, she bore witness to the internal and external factors impacting birth outcomes in communities of color. Even with the challenges encountered by these women they never failed to prove their resiliency during their pregnancy and labors. As a CAB member, Zoe hopes to close racial disparities in preterm birth rates and promote women of color's empowerment.
Amiee Mallat
Aimee Mallet feels blessed to have the opportunity to live in the lovely community of Clovis, CA, and work at an FQHC, Clinica Sierra Vista, in Fresno, CA. Aimee entered into the healthcare setting 15 years ago having a desire to help women learn their voice to advocate for their bodies, their health, and the future of their babies and the next generations. In her downtime, Aimee enjoys meditation, spending time growing her spirituality, being with family and friends, and watching silly movies. Life is an adventure to live fully.
Michele Poole
Michele works as a domestic engineer, caring for her five children, the youngest of which
D'Nita Robinson
D'Nita is a breastfeeding Counselor and Certified Lactation Educator who is currently working for Women’s Infant and Children’s West Oakland Health. The number one thing D'Nita loves is her (son)shine. He is the light of her