This year we are excited to travel to San Diego for the annual American Public Health Association (APHA) Meeting and Expo, which will take place from November 10th through the 14th. With more than 12,000 people expected to attend, the event represents the largest annual gathering of public health professionals in the nation. As this year's theme is "Creating the Healthiest Nation: Health Equity Now", we are proud to be contributing numerous posters and presentations on this important topic.
On Tuesday, November 13th, from 6:30-8:30pm we will be hosting a reception focused on cutting-edge research and practice at the intersection of maternal and child health (MCH) and sexual and reproductive health (SRH). We have an exciting panel of researchers, clinicians, and public health practitioners who will describe their research and practice related to racism and maternal and neonatal health. Other topics include LARC removal and addressing abortion as part of MCH work in health departments and as part of prenatal care. We will end the evening with an engaging speed dating activity. For more information on presenters at the reception, download the PDF flyer.
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Join us at our talks and posters!
Sunday, November 11th 3-4pm | Poster Board 7
Poster: Need for change: Concrete recommendations from women of color for improving respect and trust in perinatal care
Authors: Altman, Oseguera, McLemore, Franck, Lydon
Session:2067.0: From childhood to birth: Examining maternal and child health across the life course
MCH Section
Sunday, November 11th 4:30-5:30pm | Poster Board 8
Poster: Experience with Contraceptive Counseling and Method Provision among Women with a Preterm Birth
Authors: Thiel de Bocanegra, Sayler, Kenny
Session:2105.0: Contraception
SRH Section
Monday, November 12th 3-4:30pm | MCH Roundtable
Roundtable: Bringing under-served women into focus: Pregnancy and birth outcomes among marginalized populations
Authors: Horner-Johnson, Biel, Darney, Caughey, Slaughter, Sneed, Lee, Misra, Mitra, Mckee, Akobirshoev, Valentine, Clements, McLemore, Jackson
MCH Section
Tuesday, November 13th 10:50am-11:10pm | Presentation
Presentation: Changing neighborhoods: Examining the relationship of gentrification and preterm birth in the Bay Area
Authors: Karasek, Baer, Izenberg, Yen, Mujahid, Chambers, Casey, Jelliffe-Pawlowski
Session: 4171.0: Improving Pregnancy Outcomes: The Effects of Geographic and Social Place | 10:30am-12:00pm
MCH Section
Tuesday, November 13th 3:36-3:48pm | Presentation
Presentation: A Novel Hub-and-Spoke Model of Group Prenatal Care with Community Services Integration
Authors: Lessard, Newel
Session:4369.0: Advances in Preconception, Prenatal and Postpartum Care | 3:00-4:30pm
MCH Section
Tuesday, November 13th 4-4:20pm | Presentation
Presentation: What do women want from providers when seeking pregnancy-related Care?-Findings from focus group data in Calfornia
Authors: McLemore
Session: 4389.0: This is Us: Provider Bias, Obstetric Mistreatment, and the Paradox of Safe Motherhood | 3:00-4:30pm
SRH Section
Tuesday, November 13th 3:20-3:40pm | Presentation
Presentation: Patterns of preterm birth for women of Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander descent
Authors: Altman, Baer, Jelliffe-Pawlowski
Session: 4334.0: Other priority AA & PI concerns | 3:00-4:30pm
AA/PI Caucus
Tuesday, November 13th 6:00-6:20pm | Presentation
Presentation: Collaborative Research Priority Setting by Parents of Preterm Infants and NICU Professionals
Authors: Kriz, Gano, Cormier, Joe, Millar, Hansen, Christensen, Tsado, Bekal, Ngo, Franck
Session:4432.0: Correlates of Infant and Child Health Across Multiple Settings: Health, Household and Hurricanes | 5:00-6:30pm
MCH Section
Tuesday, November 13th 5:05-5:15pm | Presentation
Presentation: Examining the relationship of decreased abortion access and loss of obstetric services to maternal morbidity and mortality for Black women in the United States
Authors: McLemore
Session:4454.0: Black Women’s Reproductive Health | 5:00-6:30pm
SRH Section
Wednesday, November 14th 11:10-11:30am | Presentation
Presentation: Building a Better Group Prenatal Care Model for Communities of Color
Authors: Lessard, Capitman
Session:5097.0: Improving Pregnancy Outcomes: Tailored Approaches for High-Risk Populations | 10:30am-12:00pm
MCH Section