Please note the doulas in the image are wearing shirts from PTBi's Voices for Birth Justice public awareness campaign.
In early January, UCSF Preterm Birth Initiative, Sisterweb Doula Organization, and Health Connect One joined together to train twenty-five community doulas from Black, Latin/x, and Pacific Islander communities in San Francisco. Trainees left the training feeling informed, empowered, and ready to fight for birth justice in San Francisco and Bay Area-wide!
On the last day of training, Doula trainees are exposed to a “fish-bowl” style learning environment where they were able to witness a birthing class in action taught by Doulas’ Alli Cuentos and Deundra Hundon. Trainees were taught how to support not only the birthing person but their birth companion as well. Birthing persons and their companions felt seen and supported, and trainees felt empowered to provide culturally competent care to their communities.