Understanding Abuse and Preterm Birth: What Can Be Done?
April 02, 2019
More than 1 in 4 women experience domestic abuse. When a woman becomes pregnant, the frequency and severity of this abuse may be at risk of increasing (1). Domestic abuse has also been shown to increase a woman's risk of delivering before 37 weeks, potentially putting her child in danger of... SF Health Commission recognizes incarceration as a public health issue
By Rachael Kagan on March 25, 2019
Press Release -
Wednesday, March 20, 2019
Contact: Rachael Kagan, 415 554-2507
[email protected]
Introducing California PTBi's New Look!
March 01, 2019
We are thrilled to present California PTBi's new look! We believe this new supporting artwork combined with our UCSF logo embodies the Initiative's values of scientific rigor while also honoring the community voices that drive our work. Celebrating Black History Month: Uplifting Black Women Through Traditional Birthing Practices with Shafia Monroe
March 01, 2019
To celebrate Black History Month, we were thrilled to partner with UCSF's National Center of Excellence in Women's Health and Expecting Justice to co-sponsor a lecture on traditional birthing practices by Shafia Monroe. Shafia Monroe is a veteran midwife, a cultural competency trainer, an herbalist... How Can We Close the Racial Gap in Preterm Birth Rates? Opportunities for Intervention
February 28, 2019
On February 21, 2019 we were proud to host Arnold Chandler and Paula Braveman as the speakers of our February Collaboratory. The event's topic was dissecting the complex research that points to racism as the root cause of the disparities in preterm birth rates between Black and White communities. January '19 Collaboratory: The Healing Power of Doulas
January 24, 2019
The centerpiece of our January Collaboratory was the power, impact and, importance of community doulas as one potential solution to the Black maternal mortality crisis we face as a nation. Moderated by Marna Armstead, a founding member of SisterWeb and Program Director of Kindred Birth Companions... The SOLARS Study is Launching!
January 22, 2019
We are proud to announce that the Supporting Our Ladies And Reducing Stress to Prevent Preterm Birth (SOLARS) will be launching on February 1st! SOLARS is one of the first, large-scale studies, designed by women of color, to help us understand the impact of stress, anxiety, and racism - in addition... Help us welcome our new team members!
January 18, 2019
Please join us in welcoming four new members to the California Preterm Birth Initiative Team! We could not be more honored to have such visionary and passionate people help us achieve our mission of eliminating racial disparities in preterm birth! Fresno PTBi’s African American Youth Leaders Academy (AAYLA) Featured in NPR Story
January 08, 2019
Authored by: Kendalyn Mack, Olga Gutierrez De Nunez PTBi-CA and Bixby Present Legislative Briefing in Sacramento
December 18, 2018
On December 10th, California Preterm Birth Initiative joined UCSF's Bixby Center for Global Reproductive Health to present a legislative briefing to the legislative staff in Sacramento. The goal of the briefing was to build relationships with staff to provide expertise on reproductive issues in...